In the picturesque western Highlands of Scotland, where three lochs meet, sits a small island called Eilean Donan.
And on this island is a dream castle.
Surrounded by mountains where eagles soar, Eilean Donan is remote—the nearest fishing village is almost a mile away. The 2001 census for Eilean Donan recorded a total population of one person.
This is the place to write the novel of the decade.
Pronounced “Ail-en Don-an”, the castle was built in the 13th century as a stronghold to ward off Viking raiders, and later used by Clan Mackenzie in the Jacobite rebellions of the early 18th century. Royal Navy ships were sent to destroy Eilean Donan, but it was painstakingly rebuilt in the 20th century as the 20-year labor of love of John Macrae-Gilstrap.
The castle has been the setting for several movies, including the 1986 version of Highlander—as the home of Clan MacLeod.
If you could live forever, would you choose Eilean Donan as your home?
Enjoy scenes of Eilean Donan to Queen’s “Who wants to live forever” from the movie Highlander.
Eilean Donan Castle. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan Castle. Credit David IliffEilean Donan. Credit Bruce MacRae
Eilean Donan Castle Causeway. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan Castle at Dusk. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan. Credit JggzgzEilean Donan Castle Sunset. Credit H Matthew HowarthEilean Donan at night. Credit krb&nah
Piper in front of Eilean Donan Castle. Credit MarshalhenrieApproaching from the south. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan. Credit Bruce MacRaeLooking west from within Eilean Donan Castle. Credit Bruce MacRaeOpening Arch of Eilean Donan Castle. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan. Credit Bruce MacRae
Eilean Donan. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan Castle Bell Tower. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan Castle. Credit ShadowgateEilean Donan Castle Bedroom. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan Castle Bedroom. Credit Bruce MacRae
Eilean Donan Castle Bedroom. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan Castle Bedroom. Credit Bruce MacRaeEilean Donan Castle Ensuite. Credit Bruce MacRaeBanquet Hall, Eilean Donan Castle. Credit Bruce MacRaeBanquet Hall, Eilean Donan Castle. Credit Bruce MacRae